With all of the global crises lately- global warming, plastic in the ocean, oil spills- it sure seems that way. But the Earth will most likely not die or disappear if these crises remained unaddressed- but we will, just like the Dodo.

Every gallon of oil in the ocean, every degree the Earth heats, just makes life a little more difficult for us, not to mention the myriad species of plants and animals that are not as adaptable as humans. And nobody wants more challenges, more difficulty, or more stress.
So what we are really talking about is preservation- preservation of a quality of life, as well as species and habitats. But we must go beyond preservation at this point- just merely keeping the status quo is not enough. We must regenerate what we have destroyed in order to re-create the natural bounty enjoyed by our ancestors.

This day was selected by the folks at 350.org to challenge people to reduce their carbon footprint by 10% in the next year, with the goal to drop global CO2 concentrations to pre-industrial levels of 350 ppm.
Take the 10-10-10 challenge and join an existing event, create your own, or take the personal pledge to reduce you own emissions over the next year.
3 (incredibly easy and fun) ways you can reduce your CO2 footprint:
1. Grow (at least some of) your own food:
Planting a garden is not only funner and fresher, you also cut out an incredible amount of CO2 by reducing food miles.

Did you know that the average salad travels 1500 miles on its way to your table?

Speaking of salad, a mostly vegetarian diet creates far less greenhouse gasses (unless you eat a lot of beans...) If you can't grow your own, support a local farmer.

2. Dry your clothes on a line instead of the dryer.

Just like Grandma used to do... Do you think she was stupid? She knew that she could save money by using good ol' fashioned solar energy to get her whites whiter.

Not only can you save money, but you could keep around 1000 pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere by line-drying for only six months out of the year!

You can even dry your clothes indoors in the winter if you are super core...

3. Walk, bike, or stay at home.
This is kind of a no-brainer, but the less you drive, the less CO2 you produce. Unfortunately, the current trend is more single drivers and less carpooling.

In today's age of hyper-cyber-connectedness, many people can work from virtually anywhere. If you can't, carpool with a friend, or that cute someone from the office.

Maybe talk to your boss about working more hours and less days. If we worked four ten-hour days we could cut out 20% of our CO2 emissions from commuting, or around 1250 pounds of CO2 per year per person.
It really isn't hard, inconvenient, or boring to reduce your impact on the planet. In fact, you will feel better, be healthier, and appreciate what you have even more than you do now.
Upcoming events...
October 10th: Carrot Mob "Buycott" at McConnell's Ice Cream on Sunday from 1-4 pm.
Come out and support the "Buycott" at McConnell's Ice Cream on the corner of Mission and De La Vina Streets in Santa Barbara. McConnell's has agreed to use all extra proceeds generated from the "mob" to improve energy efficiency in their store. Sounds like a sweet deal!
October 15th-17th: Central Coast Bioneers
Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other, and future generations. Bioneers has two keystone goals to help make this shift successfully:
Connect people with solutions by popularizing breakthrough ideas and practices, and grow social capital by catalyzing, connecting and strengthening strategic networks, including bioregional and community based alliances.
SWoBs Founder Loren Luyendyk will be tabling at the event. Email info@surferswithoutborders.org for more infoOctober 16th: Santa Barbara Surfrider Paddle-Out for Clean Waves
from 11 am to 3 pm at Ledbetter Beach. Food, music, and games also!

October 20th: "Last Paradise" Film

Tickets at the door, or Arlington Ticket Office(805) 963-4408
An Eco-Adventure Film 45 years in the making with stunning original footage from Bali, Mexico, Portugal, New Zealand, Utah, and Australia. Young maverick sports pioneers exploring a world that no longer exists, meeting along the way surf legends, extreme sports pioneers, and scientists on the leading edge of alternative energy. Clive Neeson, extreme sports pioneer, filmmaker & physicist will be available for Q&A following the film.
contact: Margie, msbushman@sbcc.edu, (805) 965-0581, ext 2177 for more info
October 23rd: Friendship Paddle
from Santa Cruz Island to Chase palm Park, event to follow
Seven years ago, a group of friends formed The Friendship Paddle as a way to help a friend, Doug McFadden, battle an inoperable brain tumor. In doing so, this group of friends raised funds and spirits for Doug and his family via a relay paddle across the Santa Barbara Channel.
Following that initial success, The Friendship Paddle has held a new event each year to support a family in need. To date, with each member raising money for the paddle, the group has been able to provide financial and emotional support to seven special families who have faced life-threatening illnesses. The memories and the legacy created by this annual event had a very powerful and positive effect on the families and participants involved.
October 29th: "Nightmare at Gaviota"
SB Surfrider benefit for the Gaviota Coast, SoHo Restaurant and Music Club with special guests Makai
Last but definitely not least....
Our friends at Quail Springs Learning Oasis and Permaculture Farm just suffered a devastating flood that wiped out their pond and gardens, amongst other things. All told the deluge took out $40,000 worth of infrastructure, not to mention the 1000's of hours of work lost over the last six years of soil building. Please support them any way you can, by donating time or money to our wonderful family out in Cuyama.
Please contact info@quailsprings.org to help
wow... that was a long one. Thanks for hangin' in there if you made it this far. Until next time....
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